Sapphire Coast Science Festival – National Science Week: August 13 – 20

Sapphire Coast Science Festival – National Science Week: August 13 – 20

The Sapphire Coast Science Festival returns this year with a jam-packed program of events. Presented by the Sapphire Science Hub, Bournda EEC and the Atlas of Life, the 2022 Sapphire Coast Science Week will focus on life along our coasts. You are invited to join us for all online sessions, field trips and in-person events. Highlights include: […]

Great Southern Bioblitz

Great Southern Bioblitz

This year between the 22-25th October, Australia and 14 other countries will join together in the largest scale citizen science biodiversity survey in the southern hemisphere! 96 local areas including the Bega Valley have signed up to participate. Using the iNaturalist platform, the Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB) is an annual opportunity to participate in a […]

Gang-gang and Glossy Black-Cockatoo Projects

Gang-gang and Glossy Black-Cockatoo Projects

SAVING OUR THREATENED SPECIES These are two of our most loved parrots and their numbers are declining rapidly. We don’t want to lose them in our region so the Atlas of Life is asking you to help with important research. In order to establish their main habitat areas and their habits, we are asking people to record […]

Aussie Backyard Bird Count 2020

Aussie Backyard Bird Count 2020

The 2020 Aussie Backyard Bird Count will be held from Monday 19 – Sunday 25 October. This is one of Australia’s biggest annual citizen science events, with more than 88,000 people participating last year and nearly 3.4 million birds counted. It’s a great way to connect with the birds in your area and to contribute to BirdLife Australia’s knowledge of Australian […]

Wildlife Videos After the 2018 Fires

Wildlife Videos After the 2018 Fires

After the Reedy Swamp, Vimy Ridge and Tathra bushfire of 18 March 2018, David Gallan created two short videos documenting moments in the lives of some of the animals in the forest around him in the year that followed the fire. These videos give an intimate window into the lives of these animals, including bandicoots, possums, gliders, insects, frogs, wallabies […]