A weed can be described as a plant growing outside its natural environment and having some sort of adverse impact. The majority of weeds have come from overseas but some Australian native plants may also become weedy outside their natural range. Here is some information about some of the most invasive weeds in the Bega Valley Shire. For information on other weeds in the Shire, visit Council’s website.
African lovegrass
For the latest research and advice on managing African Lovegrass in native pastures in the Bega Valley, see Information Sheet 1, Information Sheet 2 – Roller Wiping and Information Sheet 3 – Lowland Grassy Woodlands.
The Fireweed Best Practice Management Guide was produced by UNE and CSIRO in 2012. More information can be found on the NSW DPI fireweed page.
NSW DPI explains why Sagittaria is such a problem for our waterways – information can be found here.
Click here to see information from NSW DPI on controlling serrated tussock.
St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
For information about identification and control of St John’s Wort, visit the DPI website here.
Brooms (Genista spp. and Cytisus scoparius) – Check out BVSC’s Broom factsheet.
Bega Valley Shire Council Weeds Info
For information about weeds and weed management in the Bega Valley Shire, visit Council’s website.
Weed Database
Another useful resource is the Weeds Australia website. Click on NSW map then click on the Bega region for a comprehensive list, description and removal advice for weeds in our valley.
Weeds in Wet Areas Workshop with Stuart Cameron
‘Weed’ too readily translates as ‘bad’ and the reflexive response is ‘weed – remove it!’, and we often leap into action without further reflection.
These notes from Stuart Cameron’s workshop discuss this landscape as it is, as it was, as it might become. There is as much work to be done in our heads as in the landscape. And much of this work must be done before we ever pick up a mattock or a spray gun.