The next 1080/Pindone/PAPP training course being offered by South East Local Land Services is in Bega on Thursday 30 November 2017 from 9:30am-12:30pm. The course will cover legislation and legal obligations, baiting techniques, toxicity, storage, transport and how to reduce non-target exposure. The training course is provided FREE OF CHARGE to participants who have joined the Feral Fighters program and accreditation will be valid […]
Tag Archives: rabbit control
Rabbits and their impact on native flora and fauna
Rabbit control programs often focus on the significant threat that rabbits pose to agriculture, primarily through competition for pasture and erosion impacts. However, rabbits also have a big impact on native flora and fauna, with 304 species affected, including 24 critically endangered species such as the Pygmy possum, the Orange bellied parrot and the Ballerina […]
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